Benefits of Health Insurance to Individual and Families

Health insurance provides compensation to the insurers when they unexpectedly face health problems and urgently need financial assistance. Health insurance covers most of the medical expenses that are required at the time of hospitalization, follow-up, diagnosis, consultation and different medical exams. Health insurance agencies may be publicly owned privately owned or may be owned by non-profit institutions but all these organizations provide insurance policies for individuals or groups. Health insurance may be a program sponsored by a company to the employees or even an individual may create an health insurance policy for him and his dependents. Many developed countries provide health insurance assistance to the public through their programs sponsored by the government such as United States Mediaid program. The insured should pay some expenses to get the coverage and benefits such as fee, deductibles, premium and some out-of-pocket expenses.

The concept of health insurance was founded by Hugh the Elder Chamberlin in 1694 due to the frequency of accidents that took place. He observed that how people turned physically disabled due to the accidents they came across. Initially health insurance was the claim paid when the accidents took place and coverage for medical treatment was required. Health insurance earlier was known as accident insurance. Some companies such as Franklin Health Assurance Company operated at that time to provide claims to the insured against the rail or road accidents or steamboat accidents. Gradually health insurance companies introduced policies that covered the costs for sick patients, follow-up, diagnosis, and other medical examination. During the 1920'2 many such insurance companies began to operate.

There are many concepts of health insurance that a person should know before creating an insurance policy. Everybody knows that health insurance is a contract between an insured and an insurer. The insurance policies that are created may be for long-term or short-term.

An insured should pay a certain amount of fee to claim in the future which may be monthly, quarterly or yearly to receive the benefits in the future known as 'premium'. The insured should also pay certain amount form his own pocket up to a certain limit when he attends the clinic, undergoes examination, treatment or diagnosis before receiving the benefits of his policy which is known as 'deductible'. The amount that should be paid as deductible is decided by the company at the time of signing the contract. The insured should also pay a certain amount every time he follows to clinic which is known as 'co payment' before receiving the insurance benefits. In order to treat the dependents of the insured the insured pays to the insurer a certain fee known as 'capitation'. Some companies provide a document to the hospitals that they shall pay a certain amount as compensation to the insured and hence the hospitals should treat the patient considering the payment made from the insurance company which is known as 'prior authorization '.

Insurance plans may be comprehensive or scheduled. Comprehensive plans are fixed proportion of fees that are paid to the hospitals after the patient pays the deductibles. The comprehensive plans are paid in lump sum amount. The scheduled plans are the plans that are paid by the insurance companies to the insured for meeting the routine expenses related to hospital care such as money for prescription etc.

Mainly there are two types of health insurance. One of them is Fee for service and the other one is Managed care. The two policies are different from each other and also similar from each other. Under 'Service for Fee' plan, the patient visits the doctor for check-up or other routine follow-up and files the fees to be paid to the clinic. The medical service organization may also file the fees that are to be paid for providing service to the patient. Under Managed Health care there are mainly three types of plans HMO, PPO, POS. Many schemes are available for the three type of plans. These plans may be comprehensive or scheduled.

Under HMO plan the insured has a wide choice to choose his own physician or a medical organization. In most of the HMO plans the insured should pay a certain amount of fee before availing service from the medical professional per visit known as 'co payment'. Most of the expenses are incurred by the patient before receiving the coverage and the patient should pay for lab tests also. Under the PPO plan the doctor is not preplanned, the patient signs a contract with the hospitals and the hospitals charge less fee from the insurance providers. Certain points should be considered before choosing for PPO network such as the doctors who are covered under PPO, hospitals which have introduced PPO plan, etc. Under the POS plan the doctor is chosen from a network of service providers who are covered under POS plan. Your doctor is referred by the insurance company and you should avail services from their company only.

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How to Sleep Well

1. Before going to bed we can drink a cup of milk. As we know ,Milk helps to sleep well, but for people who are allergic to milk, they can eat an apple or have slices of bread, the effect is the same. Normally speaking ,eating some food can improve sleep quality. 2. If we want to sleep well everyday .We'd better adhere to a regular schedule, we shouldn't sleep too late even at weekend.If you sleep too late on Saturday night and get up early on Sunday morning ,you may have insomnia at Sunday night. 3.before going to bed don't eat or drink a lot .About two hours before going to bed to eat a small amount of dinner, but do not drink too much water, because going to the the toilet frequently will continue to affect the sleep quality. Do not eat spicy evening of food rich in fat, obviously these foods can also affect sleep. 4. before going to bed, we need to keep far away from coffee and nicotine. Do not drink coffee eight hours before going to bed . 5.Have more exercise. Doing exercise in the afternoon best contributes to sleeping, regular physical exercise can also improve the quality of sleep at night. 6.We'd better maintain the room temperature cooler. Lower room temperature is good for sleeping. 7. Have a good sleep at night. Naps during the day and night of sleep may lead to sleeping quality being "deprived."We'd better Strictly control the sleep time during the day and sleep in less than an hour, and can not sleep even after three o'clock in the afternoon. Next we'll introduce some factors that affect sleep quality. 1. Many people go to bed after eating too much. 2. Have tea, coffee or smoking before bedtime. 3. Even some Worry that he could not fall asleep or force himself to sleep, it is more difficult to fall asleep in this case. 4. Thinking before going to bed: for example, some people like to sum up today's work, plan their own behavior of tomorrow. 5.Sleep with angry mood. 6.Many people like doing strenuous physical activities before going to bed ,this should be avoided. If you find that one of those bad sleep habits lead to the poor quality of sleeping, then you can develop good habits. If you feel the above method can't treat your level of insomnia ,consider insomnia Tea Therapy conditioner, the effect is quite obvious.

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How To Find The Perfect Mobile Website Hosting Plan

Did you know that mobile internet has gained a tremendous acceptance across the globe in recent years, and the number of mobile websites online has been increasing at an unbelievable rate? In 2008, the number of mobile websites operating across the globe merely reached 150,000. However, by the end of 2010, this number had shot up to 3.01 million! That makes for almost a 1000% growth! The world is about to turn into a mobile village very soon, and if you wish to approach more possible customers for your business, then having a mobile website seems to be the first thing you need to take care of.

However, you need to choose the mobile website hosting plan carefully. Not all providers can handle the technology properly, and any goof ups here will harm your purpose of getting the website in the first place. Here are some pointers that should help you out:

Make sure that automatic device detection is in place

Servers running both regular and mobile versions of websites need to be configured properly, so that these can detect the device from which the visitor is trying to access the website. That way, when visitors try to access your business website from their handheld devices, they will directly get to see the mobile version of your website. On the other hand, visitors using desktop computers or laptops will still be able to see your regular business website. Talk to your website hosting provider about getting this functionality in your website, before you opt for any mobile website hosting plan.

Have the content optimized for mobile platforms

The content of any mobile website needs to be suitably compressed, or even modified to suit mobile devices. There can be no large pictures, flashy animations, or heavy scripting. In fact, most mobile websites simply consist of blocks of formatted text, with small pictures thrown in to spice it up a little bit. If your regular website is loaded with animated presentations, large photos of products or multi-level scripts, then it might be a good idea to trim those out from the mobile version. Ask your mobile website hosting provider whether they will be able to take care of it. That will lessen the hassles for you to a great extent.

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The Best Way to Buy Affordable Health Insurance for Families

If you have ever tried to shop for any kind of insurance policy by talking to an insurance agent, or worse yet, an insurance company over the phone, then you know it can be difficult. They are always trying to sell you on a policy that is more than you need or can afford, and you might not feel that they are working in your best interest. Finding affordable health insurance for families in the traditional way can be difficult.
As we all know, the internet has brought us a lot of things, and one of those is the ability to shop for health insurance - health, life, home, and medical - and save time and money while doing it. Even if you have never shopped for affordable health insurance before, you will find that doing so online is extremely easy and will only take a few minutes. You can have multiple quotes in your email or on a webpage for you to see almost immediately.
The thought of actually finding affordable health insurance seems far-fetched to some people, especially since the cost of medical care is so high. But, if you are healthy, buying your own insurance is actually a good idea. You will not be lumped in with other people who are smokers, are obese, or have pre-existing conditions, and you can get a quote that is based on your own particular preferences.
Whether you are looking for major health coverage that takes care of only serious illnesses, or you want the freedom to see a doctor whenever you want, you can get the lowest quotes by going online. Doing so is easy, takes only a few minutes, and will allow you to compare quotes from different companies, and at different levels of coverage, making sure you get the right policy for you.

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Things to Consider When Searching for Affordable Health Insurance

Not everyone has the luxury of affordable health insurance, especially if they don't know where to look. It wasn't until recently that anyone with pre-existing conditions could find a workable option, especially if they weren't already on a group plan. The other issue was a lot of people didn't know enough about the different insurance plans and would only consider the monthly premiums as a benchmark.
When looking for affordable health insurance, there are a number of things you should look for before trying to enroll. While the monthly premium makes a difference, you also need to consider overall expenses, coverage caps, out-of-network coverage, co-payment amounts, prescriptions, and the deductible amount. Then you need to take into account health issues, as this will provide direction. This can take awhile to figure out, but it is sometimes easier if you have an insurance professional helping you throughout the process.
Once you have answered some of these questions, it will make the search a lot easier. For instance, if you or someone in your family needs a certain medication every month, you will need to look for something that covers all of the prescription or at least part of it. If you have young children, it is not out of the ordinary to find yourself at the doctor's office because of fevers, ear infections, colds, etc. Either you need an affordable co-payment or a specific insurance plan just for your kids.
There are different ways to find affordable health insurance. There are usually health insurance agents in your local community that you can talk it over with. Certain organizations will be aware of state plans, especially if you are of a certain age or a lower income bracket. The other option is to search online for the best plan for your family.

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Hair Loss After Pregnancy Cause

PhotobucketEvery female which had a hair loss problem after pregnancy, has initiate a question to herself Why I'am loosing my hair.But some of them do nothing about it.I will try to explain what's the cause of this.Hair loss is connected to pregnancy usually after delivery.During pregnancy hairs go in the resting phase in increased number.Everyone need to know that resting phase is a part of the normal hair loss cycle.The most common period of hair loss occurs approximately three months after delivery.Why? Pregnant women had an increased level of progesterone and estrogen. After pregnancy this hormones drop suddenly and that's why your hairs go to resting  phase.Once the women born her child the resting hair follicles begin to fall out.

There are other causes that are connected with hair loss in pregnancy and they can be triggered by anything that involves a change in the estrogen hormone balance in your organism like abortion,a hormonal imbalance, any hormonal type of birth control method.

What to do to prevent and care this illness?

Avoid pigtails, cornrows, hair weaves, braids and tight hair rollers.This things pull and stress your hair.

Must take care what you eat when your pregnant.Eat food with lot of vitamins, fruits and vegetables.

Use shampoos and conditioners which your doctors say that are best and you can use it.

When you're using a hair dryers and others heated hair instruments, you need to use the cool setting in them.

I want to say that hair loss after pregnancy is a normal appearance and your hair will be back if your following the things written above. Just be patient.

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9 Facts About Fiber That You Need To Know

PhotobucketIf you've been looking for a way towards a high octane diet, you'll find fiber to be exactly what you need.  Even though research has shown fiber tobe powerful, many people aren't taking this nutrient seriously.

To help you fuel your health with fiber, here are 10 facts to help.

1.  Fiber fights diseases.  A diet high in fiber can help to prevent colon cancer and heart disease.  High fiber helps the body to eliminate cholesterol by binding it in the digestive tract.  For thousands of years, fiber has been used to stop constipation.

2.  Fiber can actually help with overeating.  All high fiber foods will take longer to chew and digest, making you feel satisfied longer

3.  Most popular foods don't have enough fiber.  Ifyou like the more popular foods, you probably need to increase your intake of fiber.

4.  Grains offer the most fiber.  Dietary fiber is actually plant matter that we cannot digest.  The best sources are whole grains and concentrated grain products.

5.  Kids need fiber as well.  Children that are older than 2 years of age should consume a daily intake of fiber.  Kids are most receptive to fiber found in fruits, vegetables, and even fortified breakfast cereals.

6.  More fiber needs more water.  In order to keep fiber moving through your digestive tract, you'll need to consume a lot of water.  With your diet of fiber, you'll need eight or more glasses of water every day.

7.  Fiber cannot be cooked out.  When you cook your fruits and vegetables, don't worry about cooking the fiber out, as it stays.  The fiber found infruits and vegetables aren't just in the skin orin the peel.

8.  You can get enough fiber.  If you eat more than 50 grams of fiber in a day, you can get diarrhea and bloating, which can interfere with your body's absorption of other key minerals.

9.  Getting the right amount of fiber in your dietdoesn't have to be hard.  Even though you may thinkso, getting the amount of fiber you need isn't veryhard to do.  All you have to do is eat the right foods and you'll be well on your way to a fiberrich lifestyle.

As one of the key ingredients to healthy eating, fiber is something you don't want to skip. Fiber canserve many different purposes, which were coveredabove.  If you aren't getting enough fiber in your diet - you should do something about now insteadof waiting until it is too late.

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All Women Deserve a Nice Body

PhotobucketA few months ago, one of my best friends and also high school classmate, Beverly have invited me go out for a drink ( Gosh, I think we didn’t met for over 10 years for sure…) Well, she have definitely transform to a gorgeous beautiful lady now. But, this is not the main point…

When I’m meet Beverly again, I’m totally shocked with the transform, especially her breast size. She told me, that her breast size have been increase from the A size to a huge ‘D’ size (WoW, what a big transformation, I can’t even believed it)

I’ve asked her, did she doing any cosmetic surgery to increase the breast size? Guess what, she answered: “Are you kidding? Have you forgotten that I’m really scared of surgery; I won’t take this kind of risk over myself. This is my natural breast!”

I’m continued to ask her, “So, what is your secret to get this awesome breast?” Then, Beverly replied me, “By a natural, no-harmful and traditional formula, just six easy breast pills a day.” Unbelievable, but this is truth. Beverly did gained from a Size “A” breast to the Size “D” breast, the whole process just taking her one year only…

Furthermore, Beverly also told me, that her also recommended this superbust breast enhancement pills to her colleagues, which want to boost up their breast size cup. Three of her colleagues that used this product, managed to gain their breast size, at least two cup size for sure!

Beverly told me, that she want to help more women, especially for those that have a low confidence because of their small breast, to gain back their confidence and size cup for both.

For all of the ladies out there, if you think this is the right time to make a change in your life, and then just go for it. Who know, a brand new change might make you happier than before.

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Garlic & Onion for Hair Loss Remedy ?

PhotobucketA natural hair loss remedy can be done with herbs, massage or natural diet methods. People doing these remedies with hopes that no side effect would appear. Garlic and onion can be used as alternatives of herbal hair loss remedy.

Garlic is not just good for our body, but also for our hair. Garlic extract can remove and destroy harmful toxins and stimulate blood circulation, important in the scalp for proper hair care and growth and prevent hair loss. Addition of garlic extract in shampoo helps to keep hair strong, preventing breakage and hair loss, while adding significant body and shine. For those with dry hair or itchy scalps, the garlic extract shampoos also provide relief from the irritating symptoms.

How can we use garlic for hair loss remedy? - An hour before bedtime, slice open a clove of garlic and rub it on the hair loss area. Wait for an hour then massage the scalp with olive oil. Put on a cap and go to bed. In the morning, shampoo your hair. Repeat this remedy for a few weeks, and hopefully hair will stop falling out and re-grow.

Onion (Allium cepa) recognised with healing qualities include their antibacterial, cleansing, stimulating, and nourishing powers. Onions contain a number of important minerals and vitamins, such as vitamins C and B6, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and germanium. Onion also has a high sulfur content. Sulphur is a mineral present in every cell in our body, with its greatest concentration in hair, skin and nails. It has often been called the “beauty mineral” and the “healing mineral” because of its ability to promote circulation and decrease inflammation. These qualities also lend to the theory that adequate amounts of sulphur can jump-start hair growth in people with deficiencies. High amounts of sulphur in onions make them particularly effective in regenerating hair follicles and stimulating hair regrowth. In addition, naturally-concentrated sulphur compounds have been proven to show additional hair-restoring.

Hair loss remedy with onion - apply freshly-squeezed, raw onion juice directly onto the scalp, massage deep into the scalp and hair roots. Left on the scalp for about half-an-hour before shampooing. Do these treatments everyday. In most cases, regular onion treatments will result in dramatic improvement of hair thickness within just several months. Since onion juice restores hair follicles and improves scalp circulation, it will help to promote the strong-hair growth.

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Acne in Adults

PhotobucketAcne is looked at as a teenager’s condition. And truth to be told that is pretty much what we all think when talking about acne. We all had to deal with it while young. Who didn’t? Statistics show that about 85% of young people have a form of acne. In most cases acne problems ease around the age of twenty.

However adults are not completely safe from developing acne. About 8% of adult population has a form of acne. Not as much as the teen acne but equally unpleasant. Most cases of adult acne have one common cause: overactive hormones. This hormonal imbalance translates in excessive oil production by the sebaceous glands.

Sebaceous gland is attached to every hair follicle. They produce sebum, an oily greasy substance with the purpose of keeping the skin moist. When too much sebum is released by these glands we may have a problem. Excess sebum combined with skin's dead cells can lead to a blocked skin pore which can turn in a form of acne: blackhead, whitehead or more serious forms cysts and nodules.

If sebum excess creates the premises for acne then bacteria, Propionibacterium, which is inoffensive on a healthy skin, becomes responsible for developing acne when the skin is inflamed. In this case you can develop pimples, cysts, nodules. If you ignore them these acne can lead to permanent deep scars.

If the hormonal changes have a saying in adult acne the next logical question is what triggers the hormonal changes? The answer is not simple; many causes can trigger these imbalances: air quality, UV levels, steroids in food, water quality, genetically modified food. Other factors can be skin scratching and rubbing, picking blemishes, everyday stress, drugs, female reproductive cycle.

The good news though is hat treated properly acne can be healed relatively easy. Today there are a few great acne treatment products available in liquid form (facial wash), cream and capsules. Make sure the one you choose is appropriate for your specific condition and only use them in mild cases of acne. For severe acne cases you have to see a dermatologist.

Thoroughly cleansing the skin is the first step in preventing and also in treating acne. Don't over do it though as you can cause more harms than good. You could spread the acne or cause skin lesions or scars. Do it careful and gently!

The no prescription acne treatments available today include ClearPores, the best acne treatment system on the market, Acnezine - a product working on hormonal imbalances, Vilantae - acne treatment for oily skin acne. Other treatments showing good results have acid salicylic as the active ingredient.

Furthermore, it would be helpful to find a product that has salicylic acid as an active ingredient; an example of this kind of skin products is Healthy Pores Facial Wash. Salicylic acid has been used several ages ago to treat lots of skin problems. This prompted medical experts to include the ingredient to modern skin products. According to a study done by Healthy Pores, a 2% worth of salicylic acid greatly performs in unclogging pores. Thus, regular usage of a product with the said ingredient is guaranteed to have a more glowing and healthier skin since the trapped whiteheads and blackheads are already eliminated.

To avoid any serious consequences is best to treat acne properly in its early stages.

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Acne: Beware of Products That Have Short Term Benefits But Cause Long Term Problems

PhotobucketMany of my clients are often looking for products to prevent and to battle acne.  They often ask me why many of the products that they buy in the store and buy from advertisments on tv do not work and often make the problem worse and why the products that I recommend always work.

There are many reasons for this.  However, the main reason for this is the active ingredients in these products.  In most or all of these products the main ingredient is benzol peroxide or some agent that dries the skin out.  So what do you think about that?  Benzol peroxide simply dries out your skin.  Often this results in great short term benefits (one week to a couple of months) but in the long run your skin will suffer.  How?

To begin with, benzol peroxide simply dries out your skin.  Therefore, in the short term, you skin will be less oily and will seem to have less acne.  However, your body will soon adapt to this and will simply begin to produce more oil.  So once your body gets used to this ingredient (which is pretty soon) you will require a higher concentration of benzol peroxide and, if not, you acne will simply come back, and even stronger than before.

Secondly, the short term results may be great but in the long term this drying out will leave lots of dead skin and lots of open sores which is not only painful for you but this will also result in a whole new problem: acne scaring!

In order to have the best acne results make sure the ingredients do not damage your skin.  Rather look for something to purify your skin like the products that can be found at and this purification will make your acne disappear in the short term and also have great benefits in the long term.

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The Secret to Beautiful Skin

PhotobucketIn today’s assaulting environment with harsh UV rays, pollutants and free radicals, it can be difficult to keep your skin looking fresh, young and vibrant. Here are a few things you can do to protect your skin and even start reversing the aging process keeping you looking your best.

1. Drink water and lots of it. When the skin is properly hydrated, it looks younger and more radiant. Drink the recommended amount of water and you’ll see the difference in the mirror.

2. Steer clear of all Sodas and sugary drinks (including “diet” sodas). The sugar in sodas and other sugary drinks can cause adult acne and other problems. Aspartame in diet soda can also cause diabetes.

3. Never, never, never go to bed with make up on. It does not matter how late it is or how tired you feel, this essential step will save your face in the long run.

4. Eat healthy. Eating a balanced diet of nutritious foods will help your skin regenerate and keep it looking great. Dark leafy greens and other vegetables contain vitamins and are rich in a carotenoid called lutein which not only will help make your skin look great but have many other health benefits too.

5. Get a good nights rest. They don’t call it beauty sleep for nothing! When you sleep, your body goes into a repair cycle and your skin cells regenerate. Experts agree that getting at least 8 hours of shut eye per night is best.

6. Use and stick to a good skin care regimen.  My absolute favorite regimen was developed by the beautiful famous Dermatologists who introduced their acne treatments to millions through Jessica Simpson sponsored infomercials.  The products use med therapy and natural botanicals to help stimulate natural collagen production, and diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. I use it in the morning and before I go to bed every night and everyone always comments on how great my skin looks. The eye cream is amazing too.

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5 steps easy way to stop smoking habit

Photobucketlooking for a easy way to stop smoking?
here are 5 steps that you can follow,
It is very simple, but important,and lots of people always ignore the first three steps and jump into step4!


ask yourself why you want and what you want
many people don't have the clear mind that why they are trying to quit, and finally give up!
It seems a joks?
but, the fact is, many smoker don't know why they are trying to quit or don't believe themself.
and It is important for you to know the reason why you wnat to quit smoking.if you don't know why you want to can you do it?

so, firstly, write down the reason why you want to quit!


set up a plan
I believe you don't like it. of cause, I don't like it too!but! it is very important for you to achieve your stop smoking goal.
I know, it might seem not useful, it might seem not important, it might seem like sth. you can do later.

but, it can highly increase your success rates.
write your plan, it just take you 5~10 minutes.


break down your long term goal into various stort term goals
It is impossible for you to quit smoking on 1 week, but it easy to achieve various short term on 1 week. Get it?

so, let's do it after setting your long term goal.


find some tips or aids to help you achieve your goal more easily.
quit smoking withdrawal symptoms is one thing that you must face on while you are trying to, if you can find out some useful tips or some stop smoking aids, which is effective for  you, so will quit smoking become more easily and comfortable?


follow your plan and step by step to achieve your goal

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Sleep Study – Exploring a Good Night Sleep

PhotobucketSleep study, also called polysomnography (PSG) is a multi-parametric test that is used to study sleep. It is also used as a diagnostic tool in sleep medicine. The result of the test is called polysomnogram derived from Greek and Latin words.

Sleep study is an in depth recording of the biophysical changes during sleep. During the period of sleep, body functions are monitored. This includes the brain, eye movements, muscle activity and heart rhythm. In the discovery of sleep apnea in 1970's, monitoring of other physiologic functions is necessary which includes breathing functions respiratory airflow and respiratory effort along with the use of peripheral pulse oximeter.

The test is particularly used in ruling out several types of disorders including narcolepsy REM behavior disorder, parasomnias and sleep apnea. It is frequently ordered by doctor for patient with daytime fatigue. It records a minimum of twelve channels requiring a minimum of 22 wires attached to the patient. Three channels for the EEG, one or two measure airflow, one for chin muscle tone, another one for leg movements, two for eye movements, one for the heart rate and rhythm, one for oxygen saturation and the last one for each belts which measure wall movement. The data gathered from the wires that comes from the patient meets into a central box. It is connected to computer system for recording, storing and displaying of the obtained data.  The computer monitor will now display multiple channels. Small video cameras are inputted for the technician to be able to observe the patient visually from an adjacent room. Technicians observes sleep activity by looking at the video monitor and on the computer monitor which displays all the data time to time.

Sleep labs could be done in different venues. It is maybe done in the hospital, medical office or in hotels. It can also be done in homes as the physician may prescribe home studies enhancing patient comfort and also reducing the expense. Screening tools that are usually used by the patient includes a thermostat and pulse oximeter. In determining changes in blood oxygen levels occurring with sleep apnea and other respiratory problems, a pulse oximeter is recommended to use.

After the completion of the test, the clinician analyzes the data by studying it for only 30 second time period. The test recording and the scoring data are eventually sent to the sleep medicine physician for interpretation. The clinician then writes a report with recommendations based on the test results.

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Male Breasts And Facial Treatment For Men

PhotobucketA man is not only judged by his intelligence, he is judged by his appearance, the way he presents himself, which includes his looks, his physique and also a problem free body.

Gynecomastia, a common condition which occurs in men, causes development of male breasts. It might lead to social trauma as breast enlargement in men is not natural. Though it can occur at any age for various reasons, due to the exposure to the mother's hormones through breast milk might lead to breast development in infants which mainly lasts for a few weeks. Teenagers might develop breasts due to hormonal changes of puberty which can cause psychological problems in them. But this condition generally disappears within a few months. Increase in the size of adult male breast is the result of lying down of fat in the pectoral region due to overeating. Adult male breast growth can also be result of diseases like chronic liver disease, kidney failure, and genetic disorders.

Mostly Gynecomastia resolves itself in infants and teenagers. Reducing these fats in older men has few effective exercises like push-ups and Jumping Jacks or they might have to undergo through surgery. Jumping Jacks can be performed in a gym with the help of machines. Pushup is considered to be the best way to minimize the male breasts. Surgery is dangerous and risky as it involves operation near the heart. So, it should be the last choice as it is complicated and has many side effects.

The first impression of a man on others mostly depends on his face. A good face is an integral part of a good appearance. The face may not seem nice for various reasons. A face may be tanned, or there may be problems of pimples and acnes. The solution to these problems is proper face treatment. Face treatment can be done by using different ointments, creams, face powders or even by taking medicines.

Maintaining the skin and keeping it clean is a good way of face treatment. Washing the face regularly keeps the face out of dirt which prevents it from acnes, black heads and pimples to appear on face. Sunscreen lotions with desired SPF can be used to prevent the face from getting tanned. Even fairness creams are out in the markets which are very helpful to make the face look much fairer and brighter. To overcome dryness and cracking of the skin, moisturizer is a good option as it hydrates the skin from within by keeping the face wet. Face treatments may also involve homemade remedies by using natural products like's herbs, fruits, and even ayurvedic products which cure these face problems from inside. A proper diet is necessary for keeping the skin healthy.

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Laptops can cause Reproductive Problems for Men

PhotobucketIt appears as if the point of any laptop computer is, actually, to put it on your lap. However, based on fresh analysis, young men are placing their sperm quality in jeopardy whenever they put a laptop on the lap after only brief intervals.

As a result, guys within their reproductive prime should get in the habit of placing their laptop on a desk or laptop table, according to a recent issue of Fertility and Sterility. Yelim Sheynkin, a State University of New York at Stony Brook urologist, directed the research and study group.

Thermometers were positioned in the laps of men to determine the effect of the warmth created by the laptop and its impact on a mans genitals. A mans testicles are outside the human body in order that the sperm remains at a somewhat reduced temperature compared to the rest of the body to keep them healthy. The researchers calibrated the temperatures of twenty-nine adult males, and even though quite a few men couldn't sense any excessive heat originating from their PCs, their laps warmed up to a temperature that's regarded as being hazardous for reproductive health and sperm quality. It only required 10 to 15 minutes of laptop use to end up under these risky conditions.

Though many people believe that any time a couple struggles to have a baby the difficulty lies primarily with the woman's reproductive system, this isn't always the case. The truth is, guys with inadequate sperm quality, motility or volume can also be the explanation why a couple are unable to naturally conceive a little one. In partners who are sadly considered unable to have children, 50% of time it's because of male infertility. Scientific studies like this one illuminate the necessity for understanding in regards to this possible reproductive roadblock.

A 2009 analysis carried out by Harris Interactive shows that adult Web users are actually spending typically 13 hours per week on the internet; even so, many who work with a laptop on a daily basis for work can claim the amount is actually greater. So exactly what does it take to possess robust sperm? Based on research, there are actually 3 variables which make sperm perform at their optimum potential: quantity, quality and motility.

Quantity - Male fertility reaches an ideal stage when there are more than twenty million sperm for each milliliter of seminal fluid.

Quality - Though it's crucial to have a large volume of ejaculate, reproduction attempts can end up being impeded when the quality isn't high enough. Consequently the sperm composition and general shape also needs to be right. Those that are unusually formed or inadequately shaped are not as likely to fertilize an egg cell.

Motility - Each of the aforementioned variables are immaterial in the event the sperm are not able to travel. Motility, or the capability of sperm to move, is a major factor of fertilizing ovum. Fertility is most probable when the majority of the sperm are moving well.

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Heat can harm every aspect of those healthy sperm components, so the question is, how can you work with a laptop computer safely? Scientists researched the consequences of leg placement and laptop location on the heat of the testicles. Following an hour of maintaining the knees together as well as the laptop computer in an unmoved position, the males in the research study nonetheless experienced a 2.5 C rise in temperature. A unique cooling pad created to keep laptop computers from heating up exhibited a clear distinction in the way the actual laptop felt, but did not have an effect on the temperature of their laps.

Unfortunately, there appears to be absolutely no way around the heat issue, and although it's impossible to state that simply by using a laptop in your lap you are going to become unable to have children, specialists think that reducing how long the sperm experience greater temperatures can help general sperm quality. So men who are looking forward to having a child should place their laptops on a desk to protect their sperm and reproductive chances.

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Best Way to Tackle Blackheads

PhotobucketA blackhead is a small come do that is a non inflammatory pimple, acne or a zit with a black tip.Blackheads are essentially a form of acne that occurs due to accumulation in the skins pores, of sebum, dead skin particles, and bacteria, which drain slowly into these pores and blacken, due to exposure to the sunlight or on oxidation. Blackheads must be removed and cleaned, to avoid complicated problems with acne eruption on a severe scale. There are many methods to treat blackheads.

When considering how to remove blackheads, you must take extreme caution as there's certainly a right way and a wrong way to do this procedure yourself. In fact, it is really not advised, as physically removing blackheads can lead to more serious problems.

There are ways to make it easier to release the blackhead without harming your skin. A slightly warm rag over your face can help to soften the blackhead. This will make it easier to squeeze out without damaging your skin. Be sure that you don't get the rag too hot because it can cause spider veins to surface and create irritation.

The best way to mechanically remove blackheads is to purchase a commercial blackhead gun. Its method of operation is identical to the ink pen methods, but the materials of the gun are gentler on the skin, and the dimensions of the device are designed for the treatment of blackheads, not for the holding of ink.

Cleanse your face at least twice a day with a product that prevents your skin from being oily (as its this oil that leads to blackheads).Exfoliate as this will remove dead skin away from pores which would otherwise block up pores and lead to blackheads.

DO NOT use bar soap!!! The ingredients that hold soap in a bar form can clog the pores in your skin. They can also cause skin cells to flake off prematurely and clog the pores. If you have dry skin you will need to use a cleanser that has a bit of moisturizer in it, but be careful! The excess moisturizers can cause an increase in oil on your skin.

Do not squeeze blackheads as you are likely to just push them down deeper into the skin and result in a big red pimple! Fill a bowl with water and let it steam. Remove from heat with a towel draped over your head, lower your head over the bowl so that the steam reaches your skin and stay that way for a minute. It's opens your pores.

Stop using oil-based skin care products and oil-based makeup. These products cause increased oil on the skin, giving blackheads a better chance of forming. Instead, opt for water-based products that are non-pore clogging.

Facial scrub - Wash and rinse your face with water. Do not dry it. Take some facial scrub of a coin size amount and lather it in your clean hands. Massage your face with it so the skin is exfoliated. Rinse your face and wash it again if required.

Using such natural remedies is the best way to tackle blackheads. They will not cause any side effects as their chemical counterparts.

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Causes and Treatment for Piles or Hemorrhoids

PhotobucketPiles are better known as hemorrhoids. This is a problem, which is caused by the veins that surround the anus that are becoming inflamed and swollen. Although this medical condition is not typically serious or life threatening, still it can bring a lot of trouble because of the annoying pain that it gives. You have to use piles treatment and consult your doctor.

Basically, a lot of people are suffering from hemorrhoids, but not all of them would manifest some symptoms. Among the most common symptoms of the problem is the presence of bright red blood on the stool, in the toilet itself, or on the toilet paper. Other symptoms may include throbbing swelling or the presence of a hard lump around the areas of the anus, which is created by the blood clots that are being formed.


Piles is a stubborn disease. Dietary disorders and intake of more spicy food is its root cause. The symptoms of this disease aggravate in absence of physical work or exercise. Improper cleansing of bowels and putting extra pressure during evacuation creates a strain over the sphincter muscles situated therein. The undue pressure causes the accumulated toxic blood ooze out. Piles may also develop by frequent use of laxatives and long hours sitting on much hard or soft surface.

Hurried eating without proper mastication with disturbed mind, excessive use ofnon-veg food items, alcohol, tea and coffee etc. disturb the entire digestive system and lend sluggishness to digestive organs and ultimately result in Piles.


A patient of Piles should observe fast on lemon juice & honey for one or two days and then on fruits for two to three days. Cold water enema may be taken regularly during the fast. It tone ups the bowels by activating them. Fruits like Papaya and Cheeku may be taken in fruit diet. Then whole wheat bread and green vegetables may be taken in sufficient quantity. Sweets and spicy foods may be stopped immediately. Mud pack over abdomen and over anus and cold water Hip bath are very effective- in fhis disease.

For patients of Piles cleansing of bowels is most essential. Cold water enema should be taken, when necessary and the laxatives must be discarded. Reguler dail routine and follow up of balanced diet is essential for getting rid of this disease permanently. Constant sitting should be avoided as far as possible. Practice of walking in between long sittings is beneficial.

In Piles Kunjala and Jala Neti. after this Udara Shakti Vikasaka exercises alongwith those for Muladhara Chaki-a, Upastha and Swadhishthana Chakra may be practised. Doing Shankha prakshalana once a month is beneficial. The activity of intestine increases and constipation is removed by the practice of Ganesh Kriya. The practice of Vajrasana, Siddhasana, Guptasana, Gornukhasana, Padangushthasana, Pashchimottanasana, Sarvangasana and Halasana etc. is also beneficial. The practice, of Ashwini Mudra, Moolbandha, Nadisliodhana and Shitali Pranayama is also highly beneficial.
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How to Get Rid of Piles Right Now?

If you are suffering from piles then you don't have to worry because this problem is just temporary. Piles normally heals by itself and there is no specific process in order to get rid of piles but there are surely means by which you can lessen the discomfort that is felt.

As much as possible, always keep the area clean through the use of warm water in order to prevent mucus from leaking out. It is also important not to make use of soap since this will only heighten the risk for infection. We have to combat this, you have to look for piles treatment. Also, keep the area dry through the use of wool or cotton or you can just dry the area by making use of hair dryer to minimize moisture which can further lead to irritation. It would be wise to make use of over-the-counter hemorrhoid creams as to help reduce the risk for irritation and itching. It is important to look for those products that contain hydrocortisone to boost up the recovery rate.

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Importance of Carbohydrates

PhotobucketAll the food we eat is eventually turned into glucose, which is sugar. This gives us our energy. Carbohydrates are important because they convert to sugar easier than protein or fat. Virtually every part of our body needs glucose to function properly. For example, our brain uses about two thirds of the glucose the body makes and the rest goes to feed the other cells.

Carbohydrates should make up a quarter to one third of each of your child's meals. When you kid eats complex carbohydrates like whole grains, vegetables, beans or simpler carbohydrates such as fruit, the body does exactly what it is designed to do: it is digest these food and gradually releases their potential energy. What's the more, all the nutrients that the body needs for digestion and metabolism, are present in those whole foods, and they also contain fiber, a less-digestible type of carbohydrates, which helps keep the digestive system running smoothly.

They also have the same ability to convert carbohydrates if, and that is the keyword, if, they are the type of carbohydrate that is easily digested. Cats are similar to dogs in the fact that they have the ability to utilize carbohydrates, but they need protein in the form of meat in order to satisfy their dietary requirements for energy as well as fiber.

The number of molecules linked together determines what we call it. When only a few of them are linked together it is called a sugar like sucrose (table sugar) or lactose (milk sugar). When there are many glucose molecules linked together, we call it starch and fiber, as you would find in potatoes, bread, corn, beans, fruits and vegetables.

Carbohydrates are synthesized within plants through the process of photosynthesis. There are simple carbohydrates (monosaccharides) and complex carbohydrates (disaccharides, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides). The name carbohydrate comes from the fact that they are carbon hydrates Cn(H2O)n. Carbohydrates function as a component of ATP for energy, essential components of DNA and RNA, and recently have been identified as recognition sites on cell surfaces

Carbohydrates come in simple forms such as sugars and in complex forms such as starches and fiber. The body breaks down most sugars and starches into glucose, a simple sugar that the body can use to feed its cells. Complex carbohydrates are derived from plants. Dietary intake of complex carbohydrates can lower blood cholesterol when they are substituted for saturated fat.

What are the functions of carbohydrates? Any person engaged in an intense and active lifestyle will greatly benefit from the kind of functions and advantages carbohydrates do to the body. Therefore, carbohydrate intake will rely heavily on the level of activity a person is engaged with. Keep in mind that any unused consumed carbohydrates will result to stored fats. So, you have to follow the minimum daily requirement of carbohydrates in the body so as not to facilitate in converting it to fats that will eventually pave way to weight gain.

Foods that are rich in simple carbohydrates are things like fruits, sweets and soft drinks. Complex carbohydrates are found in large quantities in foods like bread, pasta, rice, bran, potatoes, beans, et cetera. Ergo, the healthiest form of carbohydrate is - you guessed it - the complex carbohydrate.

There are two main sources of carbohydrates that you can take - complex and simple. The complex sources can be found in foods like rice, pasta, potato, and bread. The simple sources are taken from fruit, chocolate, candy, and others. These are simple sources should be taken in moderation but are certainly essential to your body functions.

Carbohydrates play an important role in maintaining fitness and strong body. If required amount of carbohydrates are not present in the body then the muscle mass of the body is used to produce energy while extensive fitness regime therefore maintaining correct level of carbohydrate is very important. There are two types of carbohydrates, fast digesting carbohydrates and slow digesting carbohydrates.

Nutrients are chemicals found in foods that are essential to human growth and function. There are six classes of nutrients: carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals and water. All six have certain functions that target a different body part, and together, they ensure the state of our overall health.

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Why Can't I Lose Weight Fast?

PhotobucketWhy can't I lose weight? Ah How outstanding would it be if you could have a magic lamp so you could wish for the genie to make you straightaway 5 pounds lighter! . unluckily, that is never going to happen. You really have to work it out, apply some effort to shake off a few pounds because that additional weight is not going to come off by itself.

So then you definitely ask, Why can't I lose weight? Ask yourself what your motivation or motivations are for slimming down. is it to look acceptable to the opposite sex Is it so you could land a job or an acting role? Or is it because of health reason? Whichever your reasons for dropping pounds could become, be sure you have a strong need to have reaching your goal. A strong motivation for losing weight will carry you over the course of shedding pounds despite the hardships and obstacles you will surely encounter. A strong motivation for shedding pounds will carry you over the course of losing weight despite the adversities and obstructions you will sure come upon.

Still, Why can't I get fit when I actually have a strong motivation for slimming down? Have you readied yourself for the changes you want to carry out? You will have to be prepared to set your diet plan and chosen lifestyle like working out typically and bedtime early. It is certainly tough when you are not would once in terms of much or what you've got exhausted and do not bother with healthy lifestyle activities. Being mentally prepared for such changes in your normal routine will give up you from giving up at the onset of difficulty.

If these thoughts bother you: Why can t I lose weight? I have the motivation and am fully prepared to take on the challenge of losing weight" maybe you are expecting instant results! Very sure you have made the precise changes towards your weight goal, but if you have set your goal too high, you sure are bound to get upset. Be realistic when setting your goal. Two or three pounds lost every week will be high enough for you to really get motivated and low enough to keep you inspired should you lose more pounds. Actually, considering you still ask yourself, Why can't I improve your fitness? , even after making healthy changes in lifestyle, is something to be proud of. You have decided to make changes and you have continued to stick to that decision.

A last word though : reducing your weight fast takes utmost commitment and resolve ; dedication that can sometimes evolve into overzealousness. Continuously enquiring yourself, Why can't I lose weight? will eventually do damage than good. Be happy and celebrate every pound lost but be wary of overdoing it.

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Tips to Strengthening and Boost the Immune System

PhotobucketThe immune system is made up of a network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect the body. Immune systems appear even in the most structurally-simple forms of life, with bacteria using a unique defense mechanism, called the restriction modification system to protect themselves from viral pathogens, called bacteriophages. Immune system disorders occur when the immune response is inappropriate, excessive, or lacking. Fortunately for most of us, the immune system is constantly on call to do battle with bugs that could put us out of commission.

The immune system has a series of dual natures, the most important of which is self/non-self recognition. Each cell in our body has an antigen that tells the immune system that it is part of us and should not be eliminated. It is through antigens that the immune system knows which cells to attack and which to leave alone. Sometimes the process breaks down and the immune system attacks self-cells. This is the case of autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and some forms of arthritis and diabetes.

Below are examples of certain foods and supplements that can affect the immune system in various ways.

Immune stimulating factors: beta-carotene (1), vitamin A (under 25,000 IU/day) (2), manganese (3), L-taurine (4), moderate doses of selenium (under 200 ug/day) (5), and coenzyme Q10 (6).

Immune modulating (moderating) factors: vitamin C (5), beta-carotene (2),fish oil and fish oil combined with a low-fat diet (7), moderate amounts of dietary protein (8), and L-arginine (9).

Immune depressing factors: alcohol (6), high fat diet (10), vitamin E intakes over 600 IU/day (11), low dietary intake of iron (8), excess intake of selenium (over 200 ug/day) (10), excessive zinc intake (100 mg/day or more) (12), L-glutamine deficiency (13), vitamin A deficiency (14), vitamin B1 deficiency (14), vitamin E deficiency (14), zinc deficiency (14), magnesium deficiency (14), folic acid deficiency (15), riboflavin (vitamin B2) deficiency (15), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) deficiency (15), vitamin B6 deficiency (16), vitamin B12 deficiency (8), vitamin C deficiency (2), vitamin D deficiency (17), and iodine deficiency (2).

Various infections and conditions can put the immune system under stress and weaken its tolerating capacity. This makes it unable to deal with diseases. Nutrient deficiency is the major cause of poor immune system. This state of immune system can also be genetic, therefore expecting mothers should always be more careful about their diet, and it should be healthy and full of nutrients. Also, after giving birth to a baby, mother and baby must get adequate nutrition.

For adults to keep their immune system healthy, they should exercise but not over exercise. They should also do proper stress management, eating healthy diet and consuming good supplements like TMG, Zinc, Vitamin C. Apart from these, one of the most effective supplement is ‘Immune RX'. It is formulated to increase the tolerance power of a weak immune system. This particular drug provides the fighting power to the immune system. Immune RX also does a great job of providing power to the white blood cells boosting the immune system fast.

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